Plateruena Kultur Aterpea

Plateruena Kultur Aterpea
Plateruena Kultur Aterpea
Plateruena Kultur Aterpea

Plateruena Kultur Aterpea

Plateruena Kultur Aterpea is a cultural centre with a calendar of top quality events, shows and a variety of recreational activities in euskera.


It is a lively, dynamic place, which apart from the cultural programme, offers full bar and cafeteria service.

Although its programme is entirely in Basque, those who are not native speakers are made to feel quite welcome.


The building itself was originally a slaughterhouse from 1884.  It is of very solid construction, built with reinforced masonry and square stone block on corners and openings. Above the door we see the following inscription: MATADERO/1884, and over that the coat-of-arms of the town.


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